Meet Ava

Is it just me, or have you always been obsessed with cheerleading?
I mean…I definitely think cheerleading has always been calling my name, but my first passion was dance (well…I was super young, so I guess you could say it was my mom’s passion.)
There I was, 3 or 4 years old, standing backstage, waiting for the curtains to open. I couldn’t even explain all of the emotions I felt. I was so nervous.
It didn’t help that I was a VERY shy little girl. But…that was about to change.
I really can’t remember if I was any good, but I remember the heat and brightness of the spotlights on my face, and I remember feeling like I was FINALLY where I was meant to be.
For years after that, I just kept chasing that rush of adrenaline. (When I was on stage, I came alive, but off stage I was still that quiet, shy kid.)
One time, I got in trouble at school for doing cartwheels during a time we weren’t supposed to be “playing around.”
This was devastating to me because I was a PERFECT little angel. HAHA….It’s true though. I was so quiet when I was at school and around friends, but when I got to dance around or do cartwheels, I came alive!!!
Too dramatic?
Fine. I’ll move along.
So what was next? Cheerleading, right?
We are getting to the cheerleading. I promise!
For me, the next step was finding what other sports got my athletic blood pumping. (I found out pretty quickly that Soccer wasn’t it…HAHA)
I just couldn’t understand why I was supposed to run back and forth for two hours and never even touch the ball. No ma’am, not me!
Yea. Soccer wasn’t going to work out for me. (Though, I am always there to cheer on my sisters at their soccer games. They’re awesome!)
Next stop…competition cheerleading! I have always been smaller than most of the other girls my age, so I was immediately put in a FLYER position.
I was nervous, but I was driven to be the STAR of the show.
BLACK FLAME. Wow…those were some great memories on that junior team.
Tumbling. Stunting. Dance. Cheerleading was EVERYTHING I wanted it to be, and more.
Have your feelings about cheerleading stayed the same since day one?
Of course…I’m human.
Over the years, I’ve had countless successes and some memorable set-backs (mental blocks in tumbling are no joke), but nothing has ever swayed my love of the sport.
These past 6 years have been everything I expected. Though, I never expected to love one particular part of this sport as much as I have.
Cheerleading has allowed me to PERFORM with teammates that I love and show my flyer skills off in the process. It wasn’t long before people started calling me their PRETTY LITTLE FLYER.
I LOVE stunting and pulling body positions in the air. It makes for some really good Instagram posts too. Haha. #followme
There is nothing more exciting than co-ed stunting with Coach Nick, my personal STUNT TRAINER. “You like what I did there?”
More importantly, he has taught me that I’m more than just a cheerleader. I’m an athlete, and that means I’m a role model; a model for the Tiny and Mini-aged girls when they walk into their first practice.
Athletes TRAIN. HIT. WIN.
Cheerleading is not only about entertaining the crowds and spectators; it’s about the countless years of hard work put into a two and a half minute routine.
That’s the message I want to show the younger athletes. I want them to see what years of hard work has allowed me to do.
I’ve experienced competitions all over this great country. From Dallas to Disney, and Cheersport to Spirit of Hope; each competition has memories I will cherish forever, but I took away more than just memories.
I took away a work ethic that allows me to continually become a better athlete. This cheerleader right here knows exactly what it takes to TRAIN. HIT. WIN.
Let’s do it together.
Your newest teammate,